As you know, Robin Williams committed suicide this week and it has become a big ”talk-about” event. How can somebody that makes us laugh be so sad and depressed that he decides to take his own life?
I will share a bio-logical explanation of why “the clown” can be born out of depression.
It’s known that many funny people have a sad side within. The tarot symbolizes it, with the joker and also the clown having a happy mouth with a tear on the cheek. I really got this phenomena when I learned about the bio-logical laws.
When an animal loses his territory, he has two choices:
1. Fight to get it back – or fight for taking over the leadership in another pack (territory).
2. Give up and become a “second wolf”, (not being an alpha male any longer). Then the defeated leader would start to behave like a female, instead of lifting his leg to pee he would start urinating (squatting) as a female.
For the “second wolf” the joker/clown can then become an identity in order to find a new valuable identity in the pack/group/society, without threatening the new leader/alpha male.
This biological reaction is not just for animals, it’s the same for men – and it’s common. In fact it has helped our current social structure to work. It’s time for a change and I will share my view about it in the end of this article.
I will now explain this in more bio-logical details.
If a man experiences a territory conflict, it always hits the right masculine part of the Cortex (new part of the brain) for a right dominant man (clap your hand and see if your right or left hand is on the top of the other one. If you right is on the top then you are right dominant) – this law would apply as I write about it in this article. After the first territory conflict the right masculine part of Cortex become “locked”. That will block the production of testosterone. Therefore he will experience the world from the feminine filter. Both how he reacts and emotionally. He can become more or less depressive, (which is a state of becoming more passive).
If the conflict has a sexual component the sexual potency can become affected.
This man would now become attracted to a “masculine women” as partner.
If the first conflict is a territory loss conflict, then it means he has become defeated. If he won’t or can’t solve that conflict and get back his Alpha male position within the next 6-9 months, he will normally for the rest of his life stay as the second wolf. He will unconsciously not challenge himself to solve the conflict. Why wouldn’t he naturally solve it after 6-9 months? That’s because it could trigger an heart attack in the healing peak. I explain further down in this article how it’s safe to release this conflict after 6-9 month when you release it multi-dimensionally.
Second conflict with territory/sexual content:
If he reacts with a second territory conflict, the left feminine part of Cortex reacts. Then he becomes manic. He becomes more or less manic or depressed depending on which conflict is the strongest, the first or the second. If there are two active conflicts opposite each other, which mean both the coronary arteries and the coronary vein are active, he will become manic-depressive. If the different triggers get active then the state can switch between manic and depressed within a second.
Some men now change the approach to women:
It the manic side if stronger (left part of cortex):
- He desires to defeat women. Approach them directly.
- Lose the ability to love – often shifts partners.
- Some becomes suicidal. It’s like an psychosis and it explains how a man can become suicidal and still act as a joker/clown when they are around people.
If the depressive side is stronger (the conflict that triggered the right part of the Cortex)
- Then he will approach women in a more passive way.
- Lose the ability to love – often shifts partners.
- Some think a lot about what happens after death (post mortal).
It’s of course it’s possible to release this/these conflicts and become the alpha man again. I do explain about how it’s safe to release this conflict after 6-9 months when you release it multi-dimensionally in my free video training “Discover the intelligence of the body”. If you haven’t seen it,then click here to get access.
Food for thought, what would happen if all men/women reclaimed the alpha man/alpha woman they truly are and if we co-created from that space of inner authority instead of having to give up our inner authority to be lead by an outer authority? My knowing is that when we release “the animal within us” around the theme of social (feminine) and territory (masculine), then we can integrate both the feminine and the masculine principles and have access to the vibrations passive and active, which creates our unique balance. It will also lead to more androgyny on the planet and a new love paradigm, which isn’t coming from the need of each other but from the choice of experiencing and co-creating.
* If your left hand was on the top of the right one, when you clap your hands, then you are left dominant and then a territory conflict would behave a bit different. There’s around 20% men who are left dominant in the world. Females can also be manic-depressive and suicidal and again there’s another conflict behind that. This content is part of my META-Health practitioner training.
Choose to be the joy that is the nature of your being!
With love,
Susanne Billander
PS. If you like to learn more about what it means to release your inner animal, then I explain it in an old blog, read it here.
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