Consciously Healing
Your Body and Soul
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The 163 page eBook will empower your
self-healing process!
self-healing process!

- Learn about the Body-Brain-Psyche as a synchronous unit and the effect of Traumatic Life Events have on the dis-ease process.
- Understand the process of analysing the underlying conflict behind a symptom and understanding symptoms as a meaningful biological reactions to those conflicts.
- Receive a complete ORGAN - CONFLICT DIRECTORY to construct the connection between organs, conflict, and disease.
- Become aware of the powerful multi-dimensional Self-Healing process.
- Actual Client Cases - Different physical symptoms and the Life Event that triggered the underlying conflict.
Consciously Healing Your Body and Soul
Consciously Healing Your Body and Soul
an email with the link to download the eBook |
I value your privacy and would never give your information to a third party
Susanne Billander
Susanne Billander is an international META-Health Master Trainer. She has been teaching how to identify the underlying causes behind the different dis-eases, and the art of multi-dimensional healing, since the beginning of 2000. Her unique approach assists clients and students to awaken their unique blueprint and guides them to live their unique expression in their physical life. Living true to your blueprint is healing your body every area of your life.
Susanne is the author of META-Health – Consciously Healing Your Body and Soul.