Susanne's wisdom and knowledge around conflicts within illnesses is huge. Her playfulness and ease makes everything a lot easier to meet, even if you happen to be in a middle of a conflict. That playfulness also plays an important role in her teacher role, as she can easily meet all the energies we need to understand. When I see and hear it, then I experience the vast complexity of it all with ease. She radiates the light of a Master, and the best of all - she gives you the mirror of it, which gives you the possibility to awaken the Master within you. As a result of that, things that seems so vast and complex like illnesses and pain, turns into the pureness it came from - Pure Life! Susanne is a Master in the meeting conflict with so much love and curiosity, that the conflict itself feel so proud of all the attention, that it burst open! And, the power of that makes it transform itself to the source of Love it came from. In that moment a deep respect for Life awakens and finds its way Home. As a Teacher Susanne has a structured way of teaching and shares her art of wisdom on a very high level, where she methodically journeys through the facts around the subject she teaches. A splendid cocktail of energies in a combination that reflects abundance!